
Ping pong.

Romeo is obsessed with playing ping pong!! My parents recently got a ping pong table in their basement and during Thanksgiving and Christmas, Romeo got to practice his game!

"Please Mom let me play!!"

We got some funny videos of our little pong player!

I love this one! We actually tried to play around him. I was laughing so hard, I could barely play! It was keep away from Romeo! :)

Does your dog play ping pong?! :)


  1. Funniest thing I will see all day!

  2. HI-LARIOUS! Love the second video! You know you are dog lovers when you let them on the new ping pong table:)

  3. That is too funny! I bet he was worn out after playing ping pong!

  4. Please be careful with the ping pong balls. Many dogs have died because they swallowed a ping pong ball and it got lodged in their throat.
