
Parties and random week stuff.

I love any excuse to get to hang out with friends and baby showers and birthday parties are the best reasons to see friends! So last Sunday, I went to one of my former co-worker's baby shower! Aubrey, the one in the middle, is having a baby boy named Shepherd at the end of March! I can't wait to see this cutie pie!
The shower was done by Katie at Katie Grace Designs. She can really think of every single detail. She is so creative and such a good party planner! Like these cute boxes that we all signed and will be put in Shepherd's room!
The main table was a hot cocoa bar! There were toppings, flavors and these awesome chocolate spoons!!
All the guest got to take home a hot cocoa mug and one of the chocolate spoons! I am so glad that I got to attend such a sweet shower for such a sweet friend!

Sunday night, I went over to Jennifer's parent's house to eat pizza and cake for Jennifer's birthday! They are like my family and I enjoy any time I spend with them!
Jennifer had some help blowing out her candles! Sweet Brody didn't know what to think about the sparkler candles! :)
The gals at the party, minus Ms. Janis and baby Jillian! :)
When I got home from the party, I got some good snuggle time with my little boy!

This is a random pic but last week when we had our big winter storm, we had these huge icicles on our house! Matt brought this one in for us to see because is was SO LONG!! (I put gloves on bc it was so cold! ha!)

This week has been busy at work making up from all the snow days. I am really excited about the weekend though because one of my very best friends is coming up to stay with us! Stefan and Halle Kate haven't been here since August and I am just dying to see them! We plan to eat some good food and just hang out!

Lastly... The Westminster Dog Show was on tv this week! I missed the first night but caught the second. But a friend of mine sent me this link to see all Shiba's in the competition. I loved seeing all those little Romeo's smiling as they walked around the ring. You can see all the dogs in the competion at Westminster's website!
I wasn't a huge fan of the Scottish Deerhound that won but I am sure there were many deerhound owners that were very excited and proud!


  1. The baby shower is so fab! Katie is one of my friends and she is such a talent! I want to her to plan everything for me!

  2. That was beautiful decor at the baby shower!
    I can't believe the ice!

  3. The shower looked gorgeous and that is the biggest icicle I have ever seen!!

  4. I live in Arkansas,too, and can i just say that yes we had HUGE icicles & snow and a week later we have 72 degrees & sunshine...ha! Gotta Love it!

  5. Hi

    I wanted to check on your PawPa...we've been praying for him. Healing and peace. We've also been praying for your family.

    Hope you're well.


  6. I watched the show too... kinda dork out every year and watch it. I have a Doberman & LOve check the show Dobe out! Plus scope out all the other kinds of dogs! Cute pics!

  7. The baby shower decor is fabulous! I don't think that I have ever seen an icicle that big - oh my!

  8. That is one gigantic icicle! I love the look on the dog's face like "What in the world is THAT!?" Ha!

  9. What beautiful decor!

    That ice was unbelievable! We had some huge icicles hanging from our house and at work. They looked so pretty:)

  10. I love watching the Westminster dog show, and I don't know if you saw the handler of the Scottish Deerhound, but she gave the dog the biggest love ever! It was so sweet.
    I enjoy reading your blog and love your pictures of Romeo!
