
My new nephew's shower.

I have a NEPHEW!! I have been wanting to sit down and blog the whole story for while but for now... Long story short, my brother and sister-in-law, Evan and Rachel decided in the fall to try to adopt a little boy that they had gotten to know. He was in a foster home of some of family friend's from church. They fell in love with him and immediately started the process. On March 15, they brought him home! It was a good day for our family! She has the whole story and more on her blog. www.dinner-bells.com

There was a shower for him on Sunday in Little Rock, so Jennifer, Jillian and I went down for the day! It was great to see some girls from college and spend time with Seth again!
Jillian looked like a little doll and was perfect all day!
I can't show Seth's cute face until the adoption is complete. I wish I could because I have some super cute pics of his smile! He liked Jillian except when my brother was holding her. He was just a little jealous of her being with his daddy!
He loved his new car but didn't want to get in it! He liked walking behind it!
They had great food!! Lots of yummy snack foods and cute cake!
I thought these monogramed hershey kisses were so cute with his new name on it!
I have only gotten to see Seth twice since they got him but Evan sends me pics every week. And I am looking forward to making many memories with him and for my children to have a playmate! :)


  1. I'm so excited that they went with a foster child. I have been doing weekly stories at the station for children waiting on forever families. So many people overlook those sweet children in state custody.
    Congrats, Aunt Julee!

  2. He looks so precious! Can't wait to see more of this sweet boy!

  3. Such a pretty shower!! Love all the little touches and colors!! And what a cutie he is!! So sweet!!

  4. Oh my! We have a Seth Clayton too! :)Sweet.
