
Evan's Law School graduation!

I can't believe my little brother graduated from LAW school today!!! I could not be more proud of him! Our whole family was there to cheer for him and show him how much we love him!
Poor guy was just getting over a stomach virus from the day before! Thank the Lord he was well enough to walk!
He looked so sophisticated! :)
Baby Seth was not fond of his Daddy in that crazy looking hat!
Our whole family with the graduate! Seth missed his nap and was still not liking all the commotion and the hat! ha!
He was starting to warm up to the hat! He was very proud of "Dada" and said his name through most of the ceremony!
How can we be this old? I have a Lawyer for a brother!! :)
Another cute Ricks cake made the trip to Little Rock because of the stomach virus that went through their family, we just went out to eat instead of a party at their house!
Evan got some new "Lawyer" things! :)
Matt and I love our nephew so much and can't get enough of him!!

It was such a great day spent with many family members honoring Evan and all his hard work the last 3 years!! It's always good to a have a lawyer in the family! :)



  1. Know you are proud of your brother! You looked beautiful...loved your dress! xoxo

  2. How exciting! Congrats to your brother!
    You must check out the puppies on my last post. I know how much you love dogs!

  3. What a fun weekend! Love all the pics of your family!
