Morning sickness: They say that little girls make their mama's sick and I only threw up once and only had mild nausea which I think indicates BOY!
Soft or dry skin? Mine has been extremely dry which indicates BOY!
Are you craving citrus? NO!! Orange juice has never tasted so awful! BOY!
Have you felt glowing or less than beautiful and had lots of breakouts? I have had no breakouts whatsoever but I normally have very clear skin so I don't know how to take this one! But little girls are supposed to cause breakouts so... BOY!
Heartbeat indicator: Both our heartbeats were in the mid range (153 then 149) but it did go down both times which is said to be an indicator of a BOY!
Craving fruit or meat?: This is hard because I haven't eaten a lot of either but I would have to go with fruit which is an indicator of GIRL!
Pendullum test: I did this quite a few times and it always says BOY! I wonder if it means I am having all boys?! ha!
Dreams- Some people say whatever you dream about is what you are having. Others have said that you have opposite of what you have been dreaming about. I had a dream that we were at the ultrasound and it was a GIRL! Matt dreamed very vividly about a BOY though!
My guess is BOY... What are your guesses??? Be sure to vote in the poll on the left side of the blog before Tuesday!
I always thought I was pregnant with a boy b/c of sypmtoms, besides morning sickness, but I had a dream it was a girl and the next week we found out we were having an Addi! :)
ReplyDeleteI think boy too! Boys are so much fun. :)
ReplyDeletei'm NEVER right on these things, but i'm going to go with girl because i want a surprise, haha! :)
ReplyDeletewith my last pregnancy I did some of the wise tales and they all said BOY, but I had a little GIRL.
ReplyDeletecant wait to hear what your having
I did a similar blog post before my u/s with Jillian and 4 out of 6 were girl so most of those old wives tales were right with her! I am still voting BOY!
ReplyDeleteI had no morning sickness with my first child, carried high, had a girl. I had awful morning, noon and night sickness with my second (had to change toothpaste even), carried low and completely differently - and had a girl.
ReplyDeleteHope you have an uneventful pregnancy and deliver a wonderfully healthy baby! Good Luck!
I'm going to say girl just because it looks like you are carrying high!
ReplyDeleteWhen you do the pendulum test, if it goes back and forth, it's a boy and if it goes around in circles, it's a girl.....that's if you do it when you're NOT pregnant. If you are pregnant, it's exactly the opposite. And it goes without saying that this method of gender i.d. is extremely scientific (lol), so therefore, you must be having a boy....or a girl ;)
ReplyDeleteThere is a draino test, too. LOL I didn't do it though and a chinese calendar one...I did do that one and it was wrong. I had a little girl and only got sick 2x and my skin was never dry and I didn't have breakouts, my skin was actually healthier ha! :) I vote GIRL :)
ReplyDeleteHI! I've been reading for some time, probably through another blog, but never commented. First of all, I wanted to say congrats. I cried reading the post about you calling your family. I just can't imagine all that you have gone through and to be able to tell your loved ones, oh how they must have felt!
ReplyDeleteMe? I have a 2 year old, that I waited forever, not due to fertility, to have, and have 2 more on the way, NOT PLANNED at all. All 3 are girls. I just wanted to say I've not ever heard many of those old wives tales, but I will tell you that I threw up the entire pregnancy my first time, with one girl, and NONE this pregnancy with two girls. I don't remember Bailey's heart rates each time, she is my first, but with these 2, at my appointment on Thursday, one heart rate was 130 something and the other was 154, and they are both still girls. I craved nothing but sweets the first pregnancy and this pregnancy have wanted more fruit and bread than anything. Again, all girls. haha! I never did the pendulum thing.
I would have said, before this pregnancy, go with your gut. I just knew Bailey was a girl and never crossed my mind that she was a boy and I was right. With this 2, becasue I wasn't sick, I figured they would be boys. I wanted one of each, so I was totally shocked to find out they were both girls. My gut told me then one of each.
He or she will prefect, whatever they are! When do you find out? I just mainly wanted to say congrats!!!
I have prayed for you and Matt and I am so excited about your growing family!!!!! I guessing Boy!!!
ReplyDeleteFirst off, congratulations on the pregnancy!! I love reading your blog and was so excited for you!
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm thinking GIRL. I 100% disagree with the wives tale about girls making their momma's sick, my son made me throw up 6 times a day for 13 weeks, and I wasn't sick one time with my daughter. I have had quite a few friends with that as well, so I tend to go with that one.
I know you are excited to find out!!!
Have you tried the Chinese gender chart? It was right for us and for some friends.
Plus, I think the pictures of the tiny boys and girls are funny. :)
P.S. My mother-in-law is Rita Savage - her new hair cut looks so cute. She's so excited that you're pregnant!
I answered the exact same questions about a month ago and they all lead towards boy! I even took the gender prediction test from CVS and it said boy and I found out about 2 weeks ago that I'm having a girl so I'm not convinced the wives tails are legit! It will be exciting to see what you are having now that everything is leading more towards boy!!
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to know !!! I have a feeling you're going to have a boy though. But then again, I'm sure Romeo would love a baby sister !
ReplyDeleteBisous !
My guess will be boy just for the heart rate. I always guess based on heart rate.
ReplyDeleteOk, so I visited again to keep up with you and my guess is BOY. For some reason, most women I know and even my Sister who struggled with infertility, all ended up having BOYS the first time around. I have one of each and although there is some truth to the old wives tales, they were not always right for me.
ReplyDelete#1- I had a girl, Mackenzie. Nauseous (not bad), horrible acne, HB in the 170's.
#2- I had a boy, Jaxson. Was sicker than a dog, on chemo meds for nausea for 20 weeks. No acne, craved sweets, HB in the 150's.
There ya go! I say BOY!
Congratualtions...His timing is perfect!
ReplyDeleteBe sure and try the chinese birth gender prediction. My son is almost nine, and at the time, me and all my friends did it and it was dead on!
Can't wait to hear the news. He knows the make-up of the Turner family!
Praying for an easy pregancy!
For some reason I have a feeling it's going to be a GIRL and you're going to be surprised! But either way, what an exciting day for you two and you will be blessed beyond measure :)
ReplyDeleteI am going to guess girl. I never had morning sickness...just a little nausea. I had a girl. Her heart beat stayed around 150 the whole pregnancy. And you look like you are carrying high.
ReplyDeleteSo my guess is girl!
It's a girl!!! Can't wait to hear!! So excited! =)))
ReplyDeleteI want to know how old you are before I vote. :-)Can you share? :-) LOL!
ReplyDeleteI vote BOY!!!!
ReplyDeleteI think it's going to be a boy! I was dead set I was having a boy but most of the old wives tales said girl and they were right!
ReplyDeleteCongrats again Julee!
Okay, I'm going to finally post and say CONGRATULATIONS!! I've been popping in to follow your journey for a little while and have seriously never been so excited for a complete stranger to announce a pregnancy!! ;) I, too, struggled through infertility and now have 3 beautiful children (girl, Avery-5 1/2, boy, Drew-3 1/2, girl, Lauren-almost 3 months). God's timing is ALWAYS perfect (easy to see in hindsight)!! Anyway, I delivered my 3rd the morning of March 26th - the day you got your positive test. :) I look forward to reading about your journey into motherhood! ENJOY! Michele in Southern California
ReplyDeleteI'm REALLY wanting there to be a little girl in there, but I'm thinking probably boy. Funny how these wives tales even got started b/c VERY few were/ are true for me. Also, every person has a different theory on the heart rate one too. Some say high, boy and others say low, boy. Only a few more hours!
ReplyDeleteI'm REALLY wanting there to be a little girl in there, but I'm thinking probably boy. Funny how these wives tales even got started b/c VERY few were/ are true for me. Also, every person has a different theory on the heart rate one too. Some say high, boy and others say low, boy. Only a few more hours!