
19 weeks

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 19 weeks
Size of baby: 6 inches long and 8.5 ounces
Weight gain: 6 pounds
Maternity Clothes: I am wearing maternity shorts and capris!
Gender: A GIRL!!! Preslee Bell Turner
Movement: Just a little bit of movement but nothing consistent! I am ready though!
Sleep: Sleep is pretty good as long as our room is really cold! And tylenol pm helps on the nights that I am not feeling comfortable.
Symptoms: Lower back aches and some afternoon fatigue but feeling pretty good!
What I miss: Not missing much right now except Mexican food, which I have decided is best if I just don't eat. :(
Cravings: Still love anything salty, cheesy and ice cream! Still loving Sonic!
Best Moment this week: Ordered her bedding and love planning all these sweet things for Preslee!
What I am looking forward to: Seeing our girl at our 20 week ultrasound next week!!


  1. you look so cute!!! I hope your surving this HOT summer! I know I am dying! So ready for fall!

  2. Ohhhh Julee, you look sooooo great and love the belly and that she’s growing healthy and strong in there!!!! These posts always make my day :)

  3. I've been a follower of your blog for a while now..found through Kelly's Korner. Love reading your weekly posts, especially since I'm one week behind you! :)

  4. very very happy for you and your husband! new to your blog and i have loved reading it!

  5. I love you pregnancy updates! You glow as a pregnant Mommy! Hope you are finding ways to stay cool!

  6. EXCUSE ME! Ordered her bedding?! How come I am "hearing" this via blog:)? I WANT to see it!!!!

  7. You look absolutely ADORABLE! Can't wait to see the bedding and nursery ideas you've come up with:)

  8. you look great! and only six pounds?!?! you go girl...i think i gained 6 pounds the first week after i found out i was pregnant - ha! and your post below this one is so true....we wondered forever what our baby would look like and thought for sure we would have an olive skinned, dark haired, brown eyed baby girl since both me and my husband are....but nope, she is fair with light hair and bright blue eyes - ha! then our second baby was the olive complected, dark headed/eyed one. it's so fun to see what they will look like!!

  9. You look so great! It's not easy being pregnant in the summer and be able to look that good! Love her name too, that is just precious!

  10. How exciting! I've been reading your blog for awhile now, so I'm happy for you!

  11. wow Julee! It seems all of a sudden your tummy is more sticking out now!. I just looked your blog at 14, even 16weeks and i see the difference!!! My injection starts in 2 weeks and im right behind you!!
