
23 weeks

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 23 weeks
Size of baby: 11.4 inches and 1.5 lbs
Gender: A GIRL!!! Preslee Bell Turner
Maternity Clothes: Yes for the most part!
Movement: Feeling her move every day! Feels like I am popping popcorn in my belly some days! :)
Sleep: No complaints other than the crazy dreams!
Symptoms: I got a gallbladder ultrasound and it looked fine! Which is a great thing! I am still very anemic so I am switching to prescription strength iron and also taking Zantac for the pain that comes after I eat. My dr thinks it is probably bad reflux/indigestion. Hopefully the zantac starts helping and I can go back to eating more of what I want!
What I miss: This week I missed my french fries! Ha! I had so much pain after I ate them so I tried to stay away this week.
Cravings: It's more that things don't sound good than actually having cravings!
What I am looking forward to: Getting all of the nursery furniture in so I can get her room finished!

I plan to share some of the things I finally picked out for the nursery this week!

And lastly, wanted to show the comparison of what can happen in 2 short months! The first pic was taken June 5th and the second was August 6th! I can't even imagine what the next two months will show! ha!


  1. Julee you look FABULOUS!!!!! I hope I look as great as you at 23 weeks. I'm at 14 weeks now [first pregnancy also] and showing like crazy. So excited for you and it's amazing how fast it flies by isn't it? I'm trying to soak in every sweet second of it!

  2. You look wonderful! HOW EXCITING!
    She will be here before you know it!

  3. Sooo happy for you - your are adorable pregnant!!!!


  5. You look amazing! Your little bump is just adorable!

  6. You look great! Ok, you have the same exact same thing I had with my son. I don't know if you remember my earlier comment on that issue. It seriously goes away after the baby is born.

  7. You are a crazy caaauute preggo! I loved those feelings of the little one moving around on the inside...oh, now I miss being pregnant! I hope some of your fears are now gone and that you able to enjoy eachday but honestly I have realized that motherhood is alot of fears and unknowns. You just have to step out in faith, knowing that you aren't perfect but also knowing that you are doing the best you can! Only 17 weeks left...this is going fast (at least for me ;)

  8. You look great! I can't wait to see nursery pics!

  9. This is the cutest picture! You look great!

  10. Julee! You look SO ADORABLE!!

  11. your looking great. this is my favorite baby bump picture yet. it goes by so FAST dosent it? im 23 weeks today with baby boy #2. hard to believe our babies will be here in 4 short months . congrats

  12. What a great bump! So happy for you :)

  13. Awww! You are so darn cute!! Even though I don't know you I am so happy for you! I have been following you since you found out you were pregnant. Been praying everything goes well for you and baby!!

  14. you look beautiful! and i think it's safe to say, you've officially "popped" ;-)

  15. You look great! As much as you anticipate baby's arrival, also enjoy this time! I miss my sweet belly and those priceless movements. This is a season of life to treasure! :)

  16. Beautiful Little Mommy! Love the things you've picked out for Preslee's room! Check out Etsy and Zulilly for some wall decor! Hugs, KMO
