
iPhone pics

I think one of the best features on the iPhone is the camera! And mine is full of Romeo pics just waiting to be shared!! Here are a few of my favorites from the weekend!
I love that he sits on the stairs to look out the front door! His nose through the bars are just too cute!
This one seriously melts my heart! He was watching Matt mow the yard and he was just barely tall enough to look out the dining room window!
This morning, he took his nap on the couch and this was just one of the many positions he was in as I walked by!

I love this sweet boy and can't wait to take many, many iPhone pics of Preslee and Romeo!!


  1. He is just too sweet! How do you get your iPhone pictures to look so good? Mine are always blurry and/or too dark.

  2. Jonah does the same thing looking out of our kitchen window and it breaks my heart, even though he gets to play outside almost anytime he wants to:)!

  3. Your dog looks cute!! That is a cute position he was in. :)

  4. Sweet pics of the furbaby and it will be fun to add the new baby to those pics soon:]
