
January Birthdays

Matt turned 32 on January 8th! His mom, brother and brother's fiancé came up to help celebrate. We grilled out and had a cute NBC news strawberry cake!

Preslee helped her daddy blow out the candles! I think she will enjoy his birthday much more by next year. :)
Then our nephew, Seth turned 2 on January 15th! He had a cutest cowboy themed birthday party!
Preslee got dressed up like a cowgirl to go to the party!
Love this pic of my brother and me with our babies!
Rachel does an amazing job with party planning! All the decor and food was too cute!
Pretty cowgirl trying to stay awake during the party!
Birthday boy blowing out his candle!
My mom found Preslee this cute horseshoe jacket and boots at a local farm supply store! Nanny to the rescue for cowgirl attire! :)
Seth had real ponies at his party for all the kids to ride! It was such a fun party!
Seth got this cute grocery cart for his birthday and it was small enough for Preslee to ride in it! Too funny!
Seth tried to push her in it! haha!
I foresee lots of fun birthday parties with Seth and Preslee growing up together!

1 comment:

  1. what fun parties! i giggled at preslee in the shopping cart! so funny!! :)
