
Favorite baby items

A tiny human uses a lot of stuff!! And I feel like my house has been overtaken by everything a baby might ever need! :) I wanted to share 6 of my favorite items that aren't the basics!

-MIRACLE BLANKET- It's a swaddle blanket that is seriously a miracle worker! I really think I have a good sleeper because of this blanket! I swaddle her in it during all naps and bedtime. We tried other ways of swaddling and this one is by far the best, in my opinion! Read more about the Miracle blanket HERE.

-MY BREAST FRIEND nursing pillow- This was wonderful for me when learning how to nurse a newborn! It was so hard for me to get comfortable and the boppy just wasn't doing it for me. I got it at Babies R Us for around $50 and even though I don't use it anymore, I think it's worth it for the first months of nursing!
-MOTOROLA VIDEO MONITOR- We were given this particular monitor as a gift and I LOVE it!! Not only does it have night vision, pans & zooms, it has a microphone to be able to talk to the baby. And it also has the temperature of the room which we have loved knowing. No matter what the brand, I think a video monitor is a necessity! :)
- NAP NANNY- We were also given this as a gift. I had heard great things about it, but little did I know that my child wouldn't sleep anywhere but in it!! With a reflux baby, the incline is amazing! For us, it is worth every penny!
- WIPE WARMER- My mom bought this and I told her it was not necessary and I didn't think I wanted one. She made me put it out and try it and of course now I love it!! I think Preslee appreciates the warm wipes too! :)
-Fisher Price Discover 'N Grow Kick & Play piano gym- I didn't think Preslee would be big enough at 2 months to play with this but she absolutely loves it!! When she kicks the piano keys, it plays music. She will lay on it and play for 20-30 min sometimes! This is such a fun play mat!!


  1. The Miracle Blanket is the best! Our little Noah loved this and it definitely helped him sleep better. He used it until he was about 5-6 months old - until he learned to break free from it. Congratulations! Preslee is adorable!!

  2. We have that playmat too and my 3 month old loves it! I have read your blog for several years now and enjoy it! We were actually just a few weeks apart with our due dates, but my baby ended up being almost 3 wks early. Congrats on becoming a mommy! She is adorable and perfect!

  3. Hi Julee, I just wanted to let you know that you should check into the wipe warmer. Unwashed also going to get one with my first baby but then I did some reasearch and it said that the warmers are the worst thing for growing bacteria. I ended up not getting one buy instead we just put the wipe in our hands for about 15 seconds and it was fine. I used to work in a NICU also and they would not allow warmers because of the bacteria and germs. Just thought I would let you know. There.may be more reasearch now buy I would definetely check into it.

  4. Hi Julee, I just wanted to let you know that you should check into the wipe warmer. Unwashed also going to get one with my first baby but then I did some reasearch and it said that the warmers are the worst thing for growing bacteria. I ended up not getting one buy instead we just put the wipe in our hands for about 15 seconds and it was fine. I used to work in a NICU also and they would not allow warmers because of the bacteria and germs. Just thought I would let you know. There.may be more reasearch now buy I would definetely check into it.

  5. So cute! YOu have to add Preslee to your header :)

  6. Thanks for the suggestions! Our little girl is due in 4.5 weeks! I was wondering, what specific motorola monitor do you have? I am looking at them on amazon, trying to figure out what to get. I would like the one you have since it has the walkie talkie feature and temperature gauge. Do you know the specific name or model number? Thank you! :)

  7. We love our Nap Nanny. We bought it when my son was 3 weeks old and he is now 21 months old and he uses it to lounge in while watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. He is too old to sleep in it but he loves to sit in it and watch TV or just hang out with his mom and dad.

  8. I wouldn't have a baby without the Miracle Blanket. That blanket is Ah. Maze. Ing. I used it with both of my children who are now 7 and 5, and show no scars from swaddling. (I got a lot of criticism from people for making my children sleep in the MB. Ugh!!! People are so quick to criticize!)Use it as long as you can! My oldest went to sleep in it for 11 months, and my youngest was 7-8 months.

    My kids also loved the wipes warmer. Thank your mom. :) And, to the previous commenter, schools are also bacteria incubators but we haven't stopped sending our kids to school. :) Good for you for making your baby comfortable!

  9. I had planned on doing a "new mommy must have list" sometime in the near future, and Nap Nanny and Miracle Blanket are def at the top of my list!

  10. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I just purchased the Miracle Blanket because of your blog post. I put my daughter down (she's 2 weeks younger than Preslee!), and she fell asleep immediately!! So excited!!

  11. I am a HUGE fan of the Miracle Blanket and wish that I had bought a Nap Nanny. Reflux gets so much better when the baby starts sitting up. That piano toy looks like fun!

  12. Julee,

    I have been following your blog sometime now. I really enjoy reading your blog and your honesty and following your journey. You have been in my thoughts and prayers. Thanks too about honestly coming out about your struggles like post partum depression i have a friend that wrote a book about her post partum depression journey I think that they had infertiity issues as well. She is from Canada like me I could find out the name of the book. I'm so glad to hear that you are striving esp to breastfeed i remember my first days as a first time mommy and difficulites with breastfeeding thinking how could I do this for 6 months and I ended up doing for a year and beyond and loving it so much . I love motherhood but yes it has it moments but so worth it. Keep up the good job. You are beautiful inside and out and your daughter is beautiful

  13. great tips to remember for when i become a mommy :)
