
Shiba mind control.

This is the face of a boy who wants something...
We like to say he uses Shiba mind control to get us to do what he wants!
How can you say no to this face?!
This is his "I want to play and zoom around the house" face!
Wrestling on the bed is a favorite!
I am trying to get him to high five and his face makes me laugh! It looks like he is making sure Matt is getting it on camera!
Smart boy!
I thought my feelings could change after having a baby but I seriously still love this dog just as much as I did before! I just love Preslee more, but Romeo doesn't have to know that! :)


  1. I love this! We have a bull mastiff and she definitely plays mind games with us. She plays alot like Romeo does.
    I also love that you still lvoe your dog just the same as before you has Presley. I get so mad when people tell me that I won't love my dog as much when I have kiddos. So frustrating.

  2. Love that Romeo is still as much a part of the family!! Love, love, LOVE my canine babies and can't wait to see how they react/interact with our children when we have them! :) My heart is big enough for both!

  3. So glad to see that your handsome Romeo is still as much a part of the family!! Love, love, LOVE my canine babies and I look forward to seeing how they react with our children when we have them! :) My heart is big enought for both1!

  4. I am not a dog person but man, Romeo is making me fall for him with his cute little fur baby ;)

  5. Romeo is amazing :) So much fun !!! I miss our dog, we had a German Shepard and he was such a BIG part of our family.

  6. I just love posts on your dog!!! And the funny thing is...is I am not a dog lover. haha! Romeo is so different.
