

Some of you asked about our sweet boy, Romeo, so I wanted to share these few iphone photos of him! He is doing ok. Shiba's have quirky personalities as it is but I can tell that he is unsure about what is going on lately. Thankfully he loves being at my parents house and he adores my dad so he is mostly content staying over there. 

He gets many walks a day from my dad and gets to play with their dog Kota. 
 Preslee has learned to share her food with the dogs so I know he enjoys that! 

He was already not sure of what was going on since we had moved to Little Rock but now I really worry about him and the effect all this will have on him. I know he is just a dog but we love him like he is our first child. I know he misses his daddy so much. They were best buds and he loved for Matt to wrestle with him on the bed. I have told everyone not to even say the word "Daddy" around him because it will break my heart to see him run to the door or window to look for him.

I look forward to getting moved into a rent house so that I can spend more time with him and he will have a back yard again! But for now, he is doing ok... Just like the rest of us! Thanks for asking about sweet Romeo! 


  1. It breaks my heart to hear this - simply because we dealt with the same thing from our two dogs when my son died. They looked for him for months after he passed and even to this day - almost 3 years later, our one living dog will still get excited when she hears his name.

    Praying for you and your family always!

  2. Oh bless him!! I've thought about him a lot. I can see sorrow on his sweet face in some of your pictures. I truly think dogs have a sense of things and know when something's not right. I think they have a grieving period just like we do. I know my dogs would be the same way if something happened to one of us. They really are man's best friend. He's so precious. Sending him, as well as you and P, lots of love!

  3. Oh, sweet boy. Keeping you, Preslee, Romeo and the whole family in my prayers.

  4. Poor Romeo!! I know the feeling of a dog being your first child... Daisy is ours. Praying for him as well as you and P!

  5. Oh this just brings tears to my eyes. As much as we struggle to understand our grief and what's happened, our poor doggies can't do that. There is just simply no way to make him understand and that breaks my heart.

    Continued thoughts and prayers for all of you!!

  6. I totally understand -- the thought of my dogs still looking for my husband every evening if something happened to him would be just beyond heartbreaking. I have thought about him often and still think of you and Preslee daily at really random times. I hope you are still feeling covered in prayers and that you find blessings and joy in the holiday season as it comes near.

  7. Awwe such a sweet face !!! Makes me sad for Romeo !
    Hugs Julie ! I've been thinking about you and your little girl !!

  8. Julee - I understand. So often I wish I could 'explain' something to our pets. Almost 18 months ago we adopted a puppy mill rescue and although she has come a long way, she still is so frightened due to her past abuse. They say that time means nothing to dogs, but I think it does. I am glad he is enjoying your dad and I know having Koda around helps. Our shepherd missed our black lab so much when we lost him. He is a little leery of our adopted chi since she weighs 100 pounds less than him! You take care - and trust His heart.

  9. Aww, what a sweetheart he is! I recently watched a movie with a dog in and the same breed as Romeo. He was a very loving and loyal friend. God Bless you Julee and Preslee as well as your furbaby Romeo.

  10. Sweet boy. Continuing to send thoughts and prayers for you, P and Romeo!

  11. I've been wondering about Romeo and how he has responded as I know dogs grieve, too. Thanks for posting. I thought it was funny when you posted that he deserved to eat Cheetos. :-)

  12. Dogs are like humans and they can tell when something is wrong. Hopefully you can get into your rental house soon and Romeo can have some Mommy time!

  13. Dogs are so human like and I am sure he is hurting too.
    Hugs from New Jersey.

  14. Praying for all of you ~ including Romeo! I pray you have a good night's rest tonight & Romeo, too!!

  15. Dogs are so smart! Most of them can reason like a two or three year old can. (I read that somewhere) So he most definitely can be missing his daddy but I'm sure he is getting lots of extra treats and love from his momma! :) Conner & Scooter say Hello from Arkansas!

  16. Thanks for sharing that Julee! I have been praying for Romeo when I pray for you and Preslee. I know he has to be so confused and sad just like the rest of you. At the same time, I know he is a great comfort to you as well. Still thinking and praying for you guys often!

  17. What a sweet dog. We have a Shiba mix and I just love seeing pictures of your Romeo. Hope you are all together again soon.

  18. Always, always praying for the warm embrace of peace!

  19. Hi Julee - oh my, I completely relate to this. I have a 3 year old chocolate lab named Indy. My son Jonathan actually picked him out at the breeders and held him the whole way home. They bonded so much. Even since my son's death a few months ago, Indy sleeps on Jonathan's bed - especially while my husband and I are at work. If we say the name "Jonathan", he immediately runs upstairs into Jonathan's room...and then to the door, expecting him to come inside. BREAKS MY HEART every time. Hugs to you and your sweet pup - I will continue to keep you in my daily prayers.


  20. I am so glad that he seems to be doing ok with this whole thing. I know it can be just as hard for our sweet animals as it is for us endure!

  21. Thank you for the update on Romeo. He's adorable! They say animals don't have feelings, I am officially stating this post is the proof that's NOT the case!! Animals have feelings, and you get big compliments for bringing Romeo and his feelings to attention. Such a sweet woman you are!

  22. We continue to pray for you and your family Julie.

  23. Julee, I am happy to hear things are going okay, I am sure that things are still alittle unreal but it sounds like you have amazing support. What a great dad to take your dog for his walks. Take care.

  24. Sweet boy!!! Think of you every day Julee!!!

  25. You and your family are never far from my thoughts, and always in my prayers.

  26. I LOVE that dog!! I remember when P was first born you had a post with him and I thought, I wish that was my dog. And I'm not a dog lover!!! I think staying with your dad is good for a bit. I have noticed when I'm out that older people talk about their pets like they are their kids now! I'm sure he's getting extra love:) I also said a prayer for you, your baby girl & Romeo:)

  27. oh this makes my heart sink. After jason died, our dog (rudy) threw up for several days. It's like he knew and could read my body language too. He would lay by the garage door and just wait. He was used to waiting for Jason to get home from work. One day, he went into the closet and walked all along his shirts that were hanging on the bottom rack..like he was taking in his smell. It made me so sick because he was confused and I wanted so bad to explain it to him. A few months after Jason died, my friend brought me a t-shirt quilt that someone made out of all the main tshirts jason wore. He minute I laid it out on the floor to take a picture of it, Rudy layed on it, rubbed his face all over the squares and started to whine. Dogs/animals are really a huge part of our lives and families and they feel the void as well. Continuing to pray!

  28. Our puppies are our babies too & I know it is so difficult to not be able to reassure him. Praying for your whole family, including Romeo.

  29. Thinking about you and praying for you as the holidays begin. Praying for God's grace and peace be with you. I hope your daily mail has been brightening your days, you should be receiving ours soon.

  30. Happy Birthday Presslee!
    I will always remember you birthday because my grand daughter, Sully, was also born today.
    She really enjoyed her little cupcake and ate every morsel of it. Hope you enjoyed your cake.
    Sully is such a "baby" compared to you. She's not walking and probably won't for a few more months. (That's what her brother and sister did). Today was her first day eating chicken nuggets and loved them.
    Wish you daddy could be there with you and your mommy.
    God Bless you.
    Linda Miller
    South Carolina

  31. Thinking of you during these days of firsts...first birthdays, first Thanksgiving, first Christmas.

    You are prayed for Julie.

  32. I prayed for youat Masslast night Julee. I pray every day, but especially when I am at Mass. Last night we prayed for those alone, suffering and/or hurting during this holiday season. Of course you a surrounded by those you love but it really isn't the same.

    Julee, there are a million things said right and wrong to people as they grieve. Intent is always to support, but the message is so often trite or overly simplistic. I have found that I am sorry, while simple, is about the best there is. And I amso very sorry.

    Next Sunday marks the first of Advent, a time of reflection, prayer and preparation. I will be praying for you during this most sacred liturgical season. I still pray for peace...do you feel it? I pray for joy...do you see it? I pray for comfort...do you know it? And I pray for hope...did you find it? I'll give you a hint, He's lying in a manger!

    God bless you Julee. I am so very sorry!

  33. Thinking of you on Preslee's birthday. Lots of love to you both.

  34. I just want you to know that I haven't stopped thinking & praying for you. I hope Preslee had a fun birthday & am looking forward to the pictures. I am so grateful that Gid allows us to lift up others in prayer. Please know that His body of believers are lifting you up.

  35. I know you don't know me...I found your blog through a friend. My mom lives in Bella Vista and shared your story too...just know there are so many of us who are thinking of you and your precious Preslee...lots of prayers and thoughts coming your way!!!

  36. Julee,

    I didn't know how else to contact you except to leave a comment here. You don't know me, but I was thinking of you tonight & just wanted to say that I'm praying that the Lord will give you the grace & strength you need to get through this season. Hope you feel surrounded by lots of people who love you and your sweet Preslee girl!

    Heidi W.

  37. Thinking of you often. (((hugs)))

  38. Julee, We don't know one another but I am a fellow believer in Christ. When I was diagnosed with cancer several years ago, I would recite this verse as I would lay down to sleep especially when my thoughts were trying to go to dark places: "When my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the Rock that is higher than I." Psalm 61:2 It is still one of my favorite verses that is calming and strengthening to me, straight from His heart to mine. May it bless you also. Praying for you right now over here in Virginia. Love in Him, Karen

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