
16 weeks

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 16 weeks
Size of baby: 4.5 inches long and about 3.5 ounces
Maternity Clothes: Starting to wear maternity shorts and capris because the bella band moves around too much! Regular pants will no longer button or if they do, they are very uncomfortable!
Gender: Hopefully finding out Tuesday!
Movement: In the last week or two, I think I have felt some flutters! It's when I am laying flat in bed late at night when I have felt this little movement. Also felt one little tiny thump on my left side on 6/17/11 while doing hair. It made me excited for more little thumps to come!
Sleep: Sleeping is ok when I can get comfortable and stay asleep long enough. Love sleeping on my left side and a little on my back!
Symptoms: Headaches were bad last week!
What I miss: My energy and motivation to do normal things!
Cravings: Anything salty & cheesy! Real healthy stuff like Hot Dogs, cheese sticks and french fries! :)
Best Moment this week: Starting to really get a more noticable belly bump!
What I am looking forward to: My appointment on Tuesday! And then starting to shop for baby nursery stuff!


Lauren said...

Julee!!!! You look gorgeous!!!!! :)

Mallory said...

You look fabulous!!! I'm loving walking along in this journey with you! Can't wait to hear what Baby Turner is!!

Christie said...

You are just adorable. I stumbled across your blog and read your journey through IVF - what a touching story!

Jere and Cara said...

How precious. I'm so excited for you guys. God has really blessed you both :)

EJ & Roo said...

i keep thinking i'm feeling flutters too but i'm not sure!! salty things are definitely are on top of the craving list but i'm trying to reach for the watermelon and pineapple instead!

Taylor said...

You look gorgeous!!!!!

Michelle said...

I'm voting Boy!

Faith said...

Your little baby bump is so cute! You look great, girl!

Anna & Kirby said...

You look great! Can't wait for Tuesday...or whenever you share with the blog world ;)

In This Wonderful Life said...

you look WONDERFUL!!! Can't wait to find out what baby Turner is!!

Cory said...

Ok, without your age, my most accurate guess will be GIRL! Happy Pregnancy. :-) So exciting!

Julee said...

Cory- I don't have your email to reply but I am 27. The chinese gender says Boy!

Warf pary of 3 said...

you look like your carrying high so i say GIRL!! the chinesse gender chart was right for our 1st son but wrong this time. it says i should be having a girl and were having our 2nd boy in december. good luck!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats. You look fabulous. I stumbled on your blog and I'll be stopping back to see your journey! Hugs from Minnesota.

Cory said...

Aww! Just saw your response... :-) Most the time when I comment on here people find my blog, so I assume they have my e-mail. LOL! Sorry. It looks like I was right though. Ahh, to be 27 again. LOL! :-) I love everybody's baby news. So happy for you!