Ok... I am trying to decide if I want an iphone. I have a blackberry curve right now. I really like it but my dog chewed it and I'm not sure how much longer it has! Everyone I talk to says that they love their iphone. I am just worried about the texting. If you know me, you know I text ALOT! So if anyone has any advice please let me know what you think!
Julee Turner
Code Ninja- Mike Rober- STEM- oh my!
2 days ago
No,you don't need one because Romeo will chew it up and there is no insurance on those. Plus, you are already getting a laptop for Christmas. I'm just kidding! Do whatever you want!:)
I want one too, Julee, and I text all the time...so I need the same advice. What are those new phones that click and have the full keyboard touch screens? Maybe I should get one of those... hmmm... So many decisions.
The bad thing about an iphone is you can't text by feeling where the keys are! That's the only bad thing.
i went from a blackberry curve to an iphone and i LOVE IT! i too am a big texter, and it does take getting used to, but once you get the hang of it it is easy!
I absolutely LOVE my iphone! Jason and I got one when they first came out, about a year ago, and we still talk about how we love our phones! The texting is one of my favorite things about the phone...it does take some getting used to but it doesn't take long to get the hang of it. Get one, you won't be sorry!
I send pictures all the time (through email, though). If your mom has email on her phone, she can still get the pictures.
I love my iPhone. If you just text like you know what your doing then you will be fine, but if you peck and try to push each individual letter than you'll have issues. It usually fixes your typos. It takes a moment to get it all figured out but you will love it. I'm sending you this comment from mine.
Josh got me one last year for Mother's Day and I LOVE my iphone!! The only thing is you can't feel the keys. However, now it doesn't bother me at all now. It took me about a day to get used to texting on it. The other fun things on the phone make the switch very worth it. Plus, it takes great pictures and everything is so easy to work on there.
Julee, Jason just gave me an iphone as an early Christmas present and I already love it! I have no idea about half of what it does, but I text so much more already than I used to. Good luck deciding!
Zach threw Jason's on the floor and it cracked, so I'm for sure keeping it away from him. ; ) I love his haircut!! Thanks!
You know I text ALL the time, too! It took me less than a day to get used to texting on "keys" I couldn't feel. The hardest part for you will be long fingernails! I really do love it, especially the big, clear screen.
Thanks so much for all the comments. I am still torn but everything you have told me helps! So thanks again!
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