Matt's mom, brother, 2 Aunts and 2 cousins got here shortly after. That equals 8 TOTAL , just in case you lost count! They all got here in time to watch Matt on the 6:00 news. :)
I cooked a huge pot of Chili and brownies for dinner and we headed to the Fayetteville Square around 9. The square is very festive during Christmas and everything is decorated with beautiful lights. Then Matt invited everyone to come watch the 10:00 news! So all 9 of us barged in KNWA around 9:45 and tried to stay quiet and out of the way. Everyone really enjoyed seeing Matt and watching how the news is produced!
Saturday was filled with tons of shopping and eating lots of good food! We had so much fun with everyone here and were sad to see them leave this afternoon! Romeo is especially sad because he loves having company and he had so many people to play with him all weekend!
Here is a few pics from the weekend...

Only one more full work week and my parents are coming this weekend to last minute shop. And then its CHRISTMAS!!!
Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!! Better get your shopping done there is only 10 days left!

Come back tomorrow because I will be posting my house decorated for Christmas for the Tour of Homes on BooMama's blog!
Julee Turner
So fun....what a great weekend! I love the picture of the motor home in front of your house!!! I bet it was super having everyone right there.
Looks like ya'll had a blast! :) Can't wait to see your house pics!
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