Jennifer tagged me with this fun little Christmas question tag. I love everything about Christmas and have nothing better to do on a Friday night so here it goes...
1. Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate?
Hot chocolate. I have never tried egg nog. I am not that big on eggs in general!
Hot chocolate. I have never tried egg nog. I am not that big on eggs in general!
2. Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree?
Santa used to leave them unwrapped, all put together and displayed in the living room. But now that I think about it, Santa has not come in a few years. Just a "Love, Mom and Dad" sticker on all the presents! I may need to write a letter to Santa this year!
3. Colored lights on house/tree or white lights?
White lights always!
4. Do you hang mistletoe?
Santa used to leave them unwrapped, all put together and displayed in the living room. But now that I think about it, Santa has not come in a few years. Just a "Love, Mom and Dad" sticker on all the presents! I may need to write a letter to Santa this year!
3. Colored lights on house/tree or white lights?
White lights always!
4. Do you hang mistletoe?
No never have but it would be a fun thing to have around.
5. When do you put your decorations up?
It's different every year. Normally my mom did them the first weekend in December because we always travel during Thanksgiving but this year I will admit, I put them up on November 15th!
5. When do you put your decorations up?
It's different every year. Normally my mom did them the first weekend in December because we always travel during Thanksgiving but this year I will admit, I put them up on November 15th!
6. What is your favorite holiday dish (excluding dessert)?
I love the ham my mom cooks and I love potato casserole!
I love the ham my mom cooks and I love potato casserole!
7. Favorite holiday memory as a child?
My Nanny and Papaw never missed one Christmas morning with us. I loved waking up and realizing Santa had come. Evan and I would run and wake up my parents and we always had to wait to go into the living room until my parents and grandparents were in there with the video camera on! This got so annoying but its a fun memory because Evan and I would get go antsy waiting to run out and see everything we got! Also, my Nanny would always read the Night before Christmas story to us and she literally read it every year up until she died. I was in high school then and have missed hearing that story since 1999. I plan to read that to my kids on Christmas Eve in honor of her.
8. When and how did you learn the truth about Santa?
I really can not remember but I think I just figured it out and never really said anything about it to my parents. I just let them think I still believe because I had a younger brother that did!
9. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve?
Yes most of the time we have opened one. But the last few years, I have chosen to wait so I will have more to open Christmas morning!
10. How do you decorate your tree?
I have 2 trees. The one in the dining room is a 6.5 ft tree that has lime green, red and gold ornaments. And the 9ft tree in the living room is silver and red.
11. Snow! Love it or dread it?
I love snow! I don't really like playing in it because there is no way to keep your hands from getting cold but I love to look at it and take pictures of it.
12. Can you ice skate?
I have only tried once or twice so probably not!
13. Do you remember your favorite gift?
Each year I have a favorite gift. I do remember getting my first pair of Seven Jeans on Christmas and how excited I was! I also love getting anything electronic. Cellphones, ipod, tv, etc.
14. What is the most important thing about the holidays for you?
Being with family and making memories together. Matt and I always pick 2 children on the Angel tree and get them everything they need/want. It's so rewarding to know that you are helping someone have a good Christmas.
15. What is your favorite holiday dessert?
Anything chocolate or my moms Kahlua Cake!
My Nanny and Papaw never missed one Christmas morning with us. I loved waking up and realizing Santa had come. Evan and I would run and wake up my parents and we always had to wait to go into the living room until my parents and grandparents were in there with the video camera on! This got so annoying but its a fun memory because Evan and I would get go antsy waiting to run out and see everything we got! Also, my Nanny would always read the Night before Christmas story to us and she literally read it every year up until she died. I was in high school then and have missed hearing that story since 1999. I plan to read that to my kids on Christmas Eve in honor of her.
8. When and how did you learn the truth about Santa?
I really can not remember but I think I just figured it out and never really said anything about it to my parents. I just let them think I still believe because I had a younger brother that did!
9. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve?
Yes most of the time we have opened one. But the last few years, I have chosen to wait so I will have more to open Christmas morning!
10. How do you decorate your tree?
I have 2 trees. The one in the dining room is a 6.5 ft tree that has lime green, red and gold ornaments. And the 9ft tree in the living room is silver and red.
11. Snow! Love it or dread it?
I love snow! I don't really like playing in it because there is no way to keep your hands from getting cold but I love to look at it and take pictures of it.
12. Can you ice skate?
I have only tried once or twice so probably not!
13. Do you remember your favorite gift?
Each year I have a favorite gift. I do remember getting my first pair of Seven Jeans on Christmas and how excited I was! I also love getting anything electronic. Cellphones, ipod, tv, etc.
14. What is the most important thing about the holidays for you?
Being with family and making memories together. Matt and I always pick 2 children on the Angel tree and get them everything they need/want. It's so rewarding to know that you are helping someone have a good Christmas.
15. What is your favorite holiday dessert?
Anything chocolate or my moms Kahlua Cake!
16. What is your favorite holiday tradition?
Eating with my family all around one big table and I love seeing all the good movies that come out during the Holidays.
17. What tops your Christmas tree?
Glittery sticks that are red and silver. And on the small tree a gold star with red glitter sticks.
18. Which do you prefer-giving or receiving?
I love giving and seeing someone smile and knowing I got them something they really needed or wanted!
19. What is your favorite Christmas song?
I really could not pick a favorite. I love all the classics and I really love all the Trans Siberian Orchestra songs!
20. Candy Canes-yum or yuck?
Yum but there are some that I like better than others. Some are not very tasty! And like Jennifer said, the little ones are the best!
21. What do you want for Christmas?
I am excited to be getting a Macbook from my parents! But I really just want everyone to get along and have a wonderful Holiday. Is that too much to ask?
22. Do you attend an annual Christmas party?
no but I wish I did. I love Holiday parties!
23. Do you dress up on Christmas or wear PJs?
Christmas morning I wear pjs but then we normally get dressed in nicer clothes for the extended family Christmas.
24. Do you own a Santa hat?
Yes, I got one for our dog, Romeo so I got one for Matt and I to wear in a picture all together! It should be very interesting to see how that picture turns out!
25. Who do you normally spend Christmas with?
This will be the first year that I have not woken up at my house for Christmas. We are going to spend the Christmas Eve at Matt's mom's since she sold her house and this will be the last Christmas they will have there. But we spend Christmas day with both sides of the immediate families and then eat with Matt's extended family that day as well. The rest of the family Christmases are sometime during that week. It is so hard to get everyone together these days!Eating with my family all around one big table and I love seeing all the good movies that come out during the Holidays.
17. What tops your Christmas tree?
Glittery sticks that are red and silver. And on the small tree a gold star with red glitter sticks.
18. Which do you prefer-giving or receiving?
I love giving and seeing someone smile and knowing I got them something they really needed or wanted!
19. What is your favorite Christmas song?
I really could not pick a favorite. I love all the classics and I really love all the Trans Siberian Orchestra songs!
20. Candy Canes-yum or yuck?
Yum but there are some that I like better than others. Some are not very tasty! And like Jennifer said, the little ones are the best!
21. What do you want for Christmas?
I am excited to be getting a Macbook from my parents! But I really just want everyone to get along and have a wonderful Holiday. Is that too much to ask?
22. Do you attend an annual Christmas party?
no but I wish I did. I love Holiday parties!
23. Do you dress up on Christmas or wear PJs?
Christmas morning I wear pjs but then we normally get dressed in nicer clothes for the extended family Christmas.
24. Do you own a Santa hat?
Yes, I got one for our dog, Romeo so I got one for Matt and I to wear in a picture all together! It should be very interesting to see how that picture turns out!
25. Who do you normally spend Christmas with?
I tag Cara Beth and Mary!
I had no clue you guys have a blog-yah! i just saw your comment on dayle's and found you-so fun! Hope y'all are great! I'm adding your link to our blog so we can stay in touch! :)
Hey Julee!!
Thanks for your comment! You will LOVE the cake balls - they are the BEST!!!
I have loved reading Jennifer's blog so I'm glad you found me. Yes - I went to OBU a long time ago!! and LOVED IT! So I'm so glad to always meet anyone else who went there!!!!
And I recognize your husband from the news! :-)
Thanks for sharing us informative entries.
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