
More Shiba Inu's!

Oh I am so excited to find out that the mother of the Shiba six has had more puppies! They were born on Saturday and you can watch them live all day long. They are so sweet and it makes me want another Shiba so bad!! There is really nothing sweeter than watching the mother Shiba and her babies! Just wanted to share this with you dog lovers! Hope you will enjoy watching them grow up as much as I will!

Live Broadcast by Ustream.TV


Summer said...

Awwww now I really want a Shiba Inu puppy! My hubby is thinking about letting us get a puppy for Kelcee soon and I am leaning towards a Shiba from your blog.... now I really want one LOL

Summer :0)

Leslie Duffield said...

I'm so glad you posted this!! They just make me smile.... of course :) I just love our shibas!

Anonymous said...

Hi Julee,
I found your blog from Kelly's. My little girl is obsessed with the puppies. She begs "please the puppies" when I get on the computer. I don't know if you have a site meter but I just didn't want you to think I'm a stalker. We just have to see the puppies about fifty times a day LOL. They are adorable. Thanks for sharing.
Blessings to you,
Tanya and Ella Grace

Cara Beth said...

So cute! I saw those through someone's twitter and immediately thought of it! I tried to send it to your twitter but I think I tagged @jbturner instead of @jbturner8. Oh well, hopefully someone else is enjoying them right now too!

Lauren said...

AWWW this is so cute!!!

Lindsey said...

Thank you for sharing this - I used to keep the website up at work all day and it was an instant stress reliever!

A. Hilborn said...

So, I've read your blog (found it through Jennifer's blog)for a little while now and must finally tell you how adorable your sweet pup is! We are contemplating the possibiity of getting a dog and we just love yours!

Kelz World said...

that is the cutest thing i have ever seen! i have an english bulldog and i would have loved to have seen her this small with her brothers and sisters, so cute! check out my blog i havent updated in a while but im from Arkansas too and an avid reader of yours!

mkmcclary said...

Prayers are coming your way from the Benfields! I laughed out loud when I read your comment about wishing there was a skywalk to Chipotle! haha
I'm gonna be honest and say that I like Flying Burrito more than Chipotle. Don't tell anyone! :)

carozza said...

okay karoline is obsessed with the puppies. everytime she comes in the office she asks to watch them. they are adorable!