I haven't been to a game in 2 years. It was fun to see everyone. We met up with the class of 1998 before the game and had a tailgate. I was a cheerleader in high school so I still enjoy watching them cheer and see what cheers and band dances are still around from when I cheered! Don't worry there were a lot!
I left the game early to go to Tiger Tunes. So if you know me, you know how I feel about tunes but if you don't let me tell you, its literally one of the most favorite and fun memories I have in my life! I absoluty love going back and watching the clubs! My love for it came my Junior year when I was elected to be a Tunes director for my club, EEE! Nicole Engelkes and I shared the duties and we worked all summer into the fall to make our show the best! We were a Toy store at night. We had Barbies, G.I. Joe, Raggedy Anne, and Cowgirls. We even had a Jack-in-the-box! So I don't have any pics on this computer of this show but I do have these...

Yes this would be us WINNING TIGER TUNES!! I always tease Matt and tell him winning Tunes and getting engaged were tied for the most exciting nights of my life! I am kidding of course but I am not going to lie they are very close! :)
So you can probably see from how high I am jumping in the first picture that I LOVE Tiger tunes!!! This year the EEE's came in 3rd place. I was very proud of them. It was the 30th year for Tunes and the EEE's have won 7 times following very closely to Kappa Chi's 9 overall wins! Kappa's always have very good show and this year they have a Great one! I wouldn't say that if I didn't have too since they are our biggest rival! But congrats Kappas they won 1st place and defiantly deserved it!
On Saturday night I had to forgo going to the finale of Tunes and go with Matt to his reunion. We went out to the country club for a bar-b-q dinner. We had a great time seeing so many people we haven't seen in many years. There were some Matt hadn't seen in 10 years! It made me almost ready for mine, but I still have 3 yrs! :)
I have a lot of pics from the reunion but they are on my moms camera so as soon as I get them I will post again! Wish us luck moving on Friday! We get the keys to our new very nice rental house tomorrow so let the fun begin!!
I'm glad you guys had fun in Arkadelphia this weekend. I hate that we missed it. Anyway, I wanted to wish you luch moving this weekend and we would love to see you guys when you get settled into the new house. Lucy is getting so big and she looks more and more like her daddy every single day.
I can't wait to see the "new, very nice rental house." I'm sure it's a lovely shack. I'm excited to see your family too!
I am so excited that you have a blog - Gracen was telling me, so I had to look you up. It is so cute. I can't believe yall are moving again. Hey would you want to put together a Bunco group? I have been wanting too - let me know what you think.
Love ya,
Good Luck with the move guys! Julie, I will just die when you have your 10 year reunion... that will mean I'm so old! We were at tunes at 5:30 on Friday night, thank goodness we were in the balcony because Zac was rolling, crawling, dancing, everywhere the 2nd half and I was about to go insane! Go EEEs! Love, KMO
I am so glad you found my page. I have enjoyed seeing all your pictures. I am so glad you are enjoying fay. Terri said she got to see you last weekend. I am so glad you guys had fun!! Good luck with the new rental. I will have to add you to my page now!!
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