
Romeo gets his teeth brushed!

Yep this is for real... Matt thought Romeo's breath smelled bad so he decided to brush his teeth! And momma was right there with the camera. :)

And yes.. he used a real toothbrush and toothpaste!

Poor Romeo didn't know what to think!

Oh the adventures at the Turner house...


Jennifer said...

Our old babysitter used to brush her dog's teeth almost everyday. He got to where it didn't even phase him and thankfully, he didn't have dog breath because of it! :)

The Bost Family said...

How funny! Every once in a while we just give our dogs a peppermint. I never even thought about brushing their teeth.

Leslie Duffield said...

haha this is too funny! I love the pics of Romeo :) I'm not sure what Tucker would do either. We would give him those dental bones when he was little to try & help his breath. Can't wait to get them together again soon!

Summer said...

That pic is hilarious! Bye Bye doggy breath! I neighbor used to give her doggy a peppermint every once in awhile to freshen his breath!
Summer :0)

The Bowden's said...

We brush our dog's teeth too. Her breath is generally way too rancid not to. :)

Leah said...

Too funny!! Our dog loves getting her teeth brushed because her toothpaste is peanut butter flavored!! They have it at Petsmart, I'm sure he'd love it!!