Matt and I had a date night on Saturday night! We ate at Bonefish Grill and saw a movie! The Social Network was my choice to see. As a facebook addict, I wanted to see what the story behind it was!

I enjoyed the movie! I didn't think was too long and drawn out. But it is a lot of court/lawyer meetings and somewhat of a documentary style movie. I haven't read much online yet to see what people are saying is true and whats not. There were at least 3 lawsuits against facebook creator, Mark Zuckerburg. He was a Harvard college student, who is now the youngest Billionaire! If you care about facebook at all, I suggest you see it. Just know going into it that it's not an action packed film but it was pretty interesting!

Watching the movie made me remember some things about facebook. Like, I totally forgot about how facebook used to be for college students only. I barely remember the internet without Facebook but the movie brought back memorie. My senior year of college, I remember my UofA friends telling me about facebook. I was so frustrated because my college, Ouachita Baptist University wasn't on the approved list of colleges. But before I graduated in the Spring, we got on the list! And since 2005, I have been on facebook and have been addicted since the first week!

All my friends, co-workers, family- including parents, cousins and even my grandpa has a facebook. But my husband refuses!! He has never had a facebook and says he never will! Matt said he wants to be the last person left on Earth without one! ha!
Do you know many people, especially young adults, WITHOUT a Facebook?
That is so funny, because my exact thoughts were that it was too long and drawn out, haha!!! But still found he movie interesting!!!
I had facebook in college but I deactivated my account since I graduated. And I actually don't miss it that much! But when I had it I always found myself getting sucked into it for way too many hours at a time!
Hey Julie,
I am one of those peeps without a facebook account LOL....I also want to be one of the last people without took my friend forever to get me to get a blogger accout LOL....
I really wanna see that movie, thanks for the heads up and I am glad you and your hubby had a great date night
Your husband and my husband will be the last two people on earth. My husband won't even let me put pictures of him on fb or my blog!
Hi Julee, I am going to totally date myself here, but I didn't even have email until my senior year of college. And I barely used the internet until my senior year as well. In my Sophmore Operations Management class, our professor did a presentation on the World Wide Web and how it was going to change our world in a few years. How crazy is that! I didn't even have a cell phone in college. When I graduated, the first thing I did was buy myself a cell phone, a Motorola flip phone. That thing was so big, it took up my whole purse! LOL! Great post, I would love to see the movie.
I want to see the movie! My husban also swears he will never have an account! So be it! I joined my freshman year of college and have been addicted since day 1. Some of my older friends who have just recently gotten it don't understand the hype and all the status update hype...I tell them I was a 'charter' member and not to complain if they are going to be in our world! ;)
Hey Julee, My husband does not have a facebook either. He is a middle school principal and does not want everyone knowing his business:)
This movie sounds interesting. I have not been to a movie in a really long time!
I didn't have a facebook until about 2 weeks ago. The only reason I got one was because one of my best friends was threatening to start a facebook page for me. She and my husband had even picked out my profile picture. HA! I would love to see this movie though.
My husband also refuses to join facebook!
I'm with you husband on this one!
I do know quite a few people at work that do not have one, but most of my friends and family do! My husband has an account, but never uses it, so he is one of those you friend and realize they have nothing to share. ha!
I will have to rent the movie when it comes out on DVD.
I do know quite a few people at work that do not have one, but most of my friends and family do! My husband has an account, but never uses it, so he is one of those you friend and realize they have nothing to share. ha!
I will have to rent the movie when it comes out on DVD.
Hi! I found your blog via the Blackwell's blog. I went to see The Social Network last night and thought is was sooooo interesting! My sister refuses to get on facebook. She had an account once, but deactivated it. I can't believe all that stuff happened with the you, I wonder how much is true.
Julee ~ Love your blog, but I think this is my first time to comment...hooray! I do not have a Facebook account, nor does my husband. So I guess we are with Matt. Too funny! :)
My husband says the same thing! We are also looking forward to the same date night soon with dinner and that movie. Hopefully we get there before it's out on video ;) No idea how I found your blog (I am obsessed with reading all blogs so I made it here somehow) but have been reading for awhile! I love/miss your hair chats!
It will be a close race between your husband Matt and my husband Nate. Nate says he will NEVER have facebook. Wants to be the last person as well
I have only had facebook for like 3 years but yes its sooooo addicting
I know you don't know me, but I found you thru Kelly... my husband refuses to join fb too, though i don't know that he technically qualifies as a young adult (under 40 at least). He's from out of the country and his friends are often finding me and he has me send them messages. I get lots of friend requests from his students too (we're at UCA). I know he enjoys it, but he's staying off himself "on principle".
I do have a few anti-facebook friends, but they're caving in one by one.
My brother (he's 27) doesn't have one and I don't think he ever will. Nor do my parents !
I'm 28 and I also don't (refuse to) have an account. I would spend way too much time on it. Plus, I'm way too private of a person so I wouldn't want to share anything. My husband has an account though so I can peruse it when I want to know what's going on. Unfortunately, most of the time I find out stuff that I would really rather not know!
I had a facebook account when it was for college students only, then myspace became the new craze so I switched to myspace and now everyone is back on facebook. Everyone we know is on facebook now (including my in-laws), but my husband and I (I'm 29, he's 32)refuse to give in. Tell your husband we can start our own club :)
...haven't seen the movie, but planning on it soon! My husband is the exact same way...he REFUSES to get a facebook ( and I am addicted to it)...but doesn't mind looking at mine!! Have a great week!
hi Julee, my name is Leah and I live in australia. we dont have facebook in our house mainly because we live in a small town where everyone knows your bees wax and we have a teenage son plus 3 more behind him and dont want him especially to get invovled in all the crap that goes on with teenagers and facebook, I have had some rubbish go on at work involving staff and customers and it isvery sad to see what happens when people get carried away on facebook - I would just rather have nothing to do with it really, love your blog by the way!
Sounds perfect! I really want to see the movie, I started thinking about facebook when it just started and how addicting it was and still is! Haha!
I'm 28 and didn't get an account until March.... when my mom insisted I did!!! I actually know several people 30 and under who don't have one. Sometimes I wish I didn't get one. I waste a lot of time and all of these young people who are married make me feel bad about myself. :-(
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