Wow! First of all I can't believe its been over 8 months since I blogged! I honestly don't even know where to start with sharing pictures from the last 8 months. So much has happened and it is overwhelming me to think about backtracking. So for now, this is just a hello and hopefully I will be back soon with more!
I am doing well and trying to enjoy every minute of my little girls childhood days. We have been busy since September! She attends a church preschool 3 days a week from 9-2. She really has enjoyed it and talks about her school friends when she's not there. We went from tears at drop off to now she is running into her classroom and saying bye. She has made some of the sweetest crafts at school and I absolutely love to see how proud she is of her artwork. School has helped her come out of her shyness and she is learning so much.
Since the one year anniversary, on October 6th, I have had many good days mixed in with some down ones. I started grief counseling in November and in January joined a GriefShare group. It has been so helpful and healing to talk about my emotions with others that are experiencing grief too. We finished the 13 week study last week and I am so thankful that I stuck with it (I drove to Little Rock- 1hr away- every Monday night.) My ultimate goal is to be a healthy and happy mother for Preslee and not miss out on anything in her life because of depression! I know that I can't just make the grief go away but facing it and working through it have helped me heal in ways I never knew were possible.
~ GriefShare is a national group and if you are interested in joining, you can go to their website and they will have a list of churches/places that offer the class. Most will be off in the summer and will start back in August.
Preslee is 2.5 yrs old! How is this possible? Her vocabulary is growing daily and she is constantly shocking me with the stuff she says. She is very compassionate and worries about things or people. She has the best memory. I could go on and on but I will stop, I just couldn't be more proud of her!
I know that if Matt were around, she would be a total daddy's girl because she favors men and has all the men in her life totally wrapped around her finger. But she loves her mommy the most! We are best buds and love spending our days together. She is a mini-me for sure. Her love for makeup, hair stuff, babies, taking long naps, eating sweets along with many other things make us a pretty good pair.
I look forward to her bright smile every morning and love that she still lets me rock her before bed. God knew what he was doing when he gave her to me. She will never know how much she has helped me get through the last 17 months. I am so grateful I get to be her mommy!
Code Ninja- Mike Rober- STEM- oh my!
3 hours ago
Thrilled to read your update! You and Preslee are often in my prayers and I can only imagine how proud Matt would be of both of you.
Hi and so nice to see an update. I think of you and Preslee so often. My heart still aches for you but I'm glad to hear you are moving forward by attending counseling and taking it one day at a time. Such a precious blessing in sweet Preslee, I'm glad she can make your heart sing.
So glad to hear all of this great stuff and that you guys are doing well. I know from experience the grief doesn't go away and having people to share it with makes the path easier to walk.
Thanks for the update, know that many prayers are still being said for both of you.
So glad you and Preslee are well! Really happy to see your update! You both look fabulous and how great that you are taking care inside and out!!!!!
Prayers your way each night!
You blogged!!!! I'm so happy to see that!!!!
You are so amazing Julee. Preslee is so blessed to have you. I know Matt would be so proud of how you have handled everything and what a great mom you are - and how amazing that girl is!!!
Praying for you and love you! I hope you blog more!
I have always enjoyed your blog and started reading it after I saw the link on someone elses a few years ago. I am so happy to see that you are doing well. God is a great healer. I know how horrible grief can be but there is a light at the end of that tunnel that seems to go on forever. It will shorten for you soon and you will be a whole and happier person. You will never get over your loss but you will get through it. God is great!
Im so happy to see you blogged ! I've missed your posts ! Can hardly believe your sweet child is 2 1/2 :) Your always in my thoughts and prayers.
So happy to see your blog post!!
You and Preslee are often in my thoughts and are always in my prayers.
YAY, so glad to see you post. I love following you on Instagram and seeing pictures of P. She is a beautiful little girl and has the sweetest smile. Glad you're doing well. Happy Mother's Day! You are such an amazing mommy.
Welcome back!
I just said Oh my gosh! OUTLOUD when I saw that you had blogged. LOL! I loved this post. You are so genuine in your posts. Miss you lots! Keep on posting and continue to heal. I pray for y'all all the time. Much love!
Glad to hear from you on here.I think about you often and pray that you are hanging in there.
Praying for you all still. Glad you are doing good. Been thinking of you.
Its nice to see an update from you. I am glad you are doing as best as you can even now giving what happened & all. You are stronger then you know sweet girl..
I was so excited to see you had posted!
She is such a beautiful girl, just like you, Julee! I am so happy you girls are enjoying life together!!
Thrilled to read your update! You and Preslee are often in my prayers and I can only imagine how proud Matt would be of both of you.
ivf treatments
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