
Are you watching?

Are y'all watching AI?

What do you guys think about set of judges this season?

I am an avid watcher of the Ellen Degeneres show! I personally love to see her on AI! Kara really bothered me last year, but this year she is ok! I love Simon and normally agree with what he has to say but, I just wish he didn't say things so rudely! Constructive criticism is a good thing but totally putting the contestants down on national tv makes my heart hurt for them!
Do you have favorites yet??

I need to hear a little more before I can name my faves. I didn't think the girls did all that great and the guys weren't awesome yet either. I love to see how far they go and by then end, they are all great performers!

So what do you think... Is this a boy or girl year??


Crystal said...

Yes I have been watching! I wasn't sure if I was going to like Ellen on AI, but I think she is good. I agree with you about Cara too. I like her a lot better than last year! I'm not sure who I like yet. I haven't had one person to stand out! I'll be interested to see who goes home tonight!

Kimberly said...

No, I'm not watching! I love Ellen and watch her all the time. I am getting kinda tired of it.

Jess :) said...

I'm watching...however, I think the "newness" of the whole thing has totally worn off for me. I still enjoy it, but NOT nearly as much as I used to. In other words, I am not dropping everything I should be doing to watch. It's just on and if I need to do other things...I will. If not, I watch!!! :)

I think it might be a guy year again. I feel that they are WAY better than the girls, all around, but like you said...neither group WOWed me this week!

We'll have to see how they all progress :)

Larissa said...

Hey Julee, I don't remember if I have de-lurked yet, but I just want to say that I enjoy reading your blog...I'm really enjoying AI this year. I like Kasey James (good ol' Texas boy) and Lee Dewyze. But I really think a girl is going to win this year, so many good singers.

Kelly said...

I LOVE AI!!!! I love Simon but I do think he has been extra mean the last 2 nights. Maybe he is disapointed because their talent has not been too great so far.
I'm going with the guys so far! There are several I really like!

Sara said...

I have been watching and I love Ellen. Paula usually just bothered me so I don;t miss her much.

I have not been impressed so far with the boys or the girls, but I think it will be a boy in the end.

Superchikk said...

We've been watching and though I'm not a fan of Ellen, I'm not hating the fact that she's on AI this year.

The girls totally disappointed the other night. And I was underwhelmed by the guys. But my two favorites are "Big Mike" and Casey James. There are a few girls I want to like, but I'm really having a hard time with them.

The McGreeveys said...

I'm watching! I love Ellen and Simon. I thought the singers picked the wrong songs, which made them sound bad, but I think it will get better. I have a few favorites!

Lilly, Reid, Matt, and Sara said...

I am watching but I haven't picked favorites yet. It takes me a while. I thought the judges were so rough on everyone so far. If they didn't change the song, they didn't make it their own. If they did make it their own they should've left it the way it was because there is a reason "it was a hit in the first place". Danged if they do, danged if they don't!!

I love Ellen too and am happy she is on the show. There needs to be somebody funny to offset Simon's meanness (which can be truthfulness, too). I laughed when she said "if it was a mess than it was a hot mess". Haha.

Ashley said...

LOVE it! I just don't know what to think about the girls.. I like the guys last night! I adore CASEY!!!!!

Lauren said...

Andrew Garcia is my favorite! Love him! But I agree I have not been too impressed with the singing so far! And Ellen is amazing! I Love her positive attitude!

Amanda said...

I'm not really into any of the girls this year, although the girl with dreads (something, something socks?!) isn't too bad. As for the guys, I'm really liking Casey James (hottie!) and Andrew

Jill King said...

I love AI and Ellen! I have always been an Ellen fan and I love what she brings to the show. Although, 4 judges is way too much! I could do without Randy...he never says anything worth listening to. I hate that Simon is leaving but at least that's one less judge we have to listen to!!

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Lindsey said...

I think Ellen brings something different to the panel - I like her being a part of it!!