
Bumble and bumble

OK... so many of you ask about Bumble and bumble... Please ALWAYS buy Bumble from a professional salon or from www.bumbleandbumble.com! Stores such as Target, Walmart, Walgreens, etc. have gotten ahold of the products that have been diverted! Read the statement below from Bumble's website...

We are very careful about where we sell Bumble and bumble, and we choose only the finest salons, apothecaries and shops - places with friendly hairdressers and salespeople who LOVE hair and who LOVE Bumble and bumble. We do this because we make our products to be sold by experts who know our products up and down, backwards and forwards, inside and out.

But sometimes our bottles end up in places that are unauthorized to sell our products. Places we didn't choose, such as mass market drug and supermarket chains. Its important to us that our customers purchase the real Bumble and bumble (not counterfeit, or old or discontinued Bumble and bumble), so that every time you buy one of our bottles, or tubes or jars, it is filled with the same, authentic stuff for your hair you’ve come to love – we’re sure you will agree.

So, for the love of hair (and Bumble and bumble), PLEASE don't buy Bb. where it shouldn't be!

The owner of my salon went to Walmart and bought a few of the products to compare! They are bad!! They don't smell the same nor do they do what they are supposed to do! Just wanted to put that info out there for all of you!

Also, Bumble is revising their therapy line and the new stuff should be on shelves very soon! I will update you about it soon! It's awesome!

Check out www.bumbleandbumble.com to learn more about the products and to find a salon near you that carries Bumble and bumble!


Jessica Bene said...

Thanks for posting this. I have heard this before and have wondered ever since if it was true or not. -Jessy

Summer said...

Thanks sooo much for posting this! I am hopping over to the website now to place my order! We are sooo snowed in here....Snowy days equal internet shopping for me YAY!
Have a Happy Saturday
Summer :0)

Unknown said...

We are forming an Arkansas Bloggers group and would love for you to link your blog to that. You can find the link to the information on my blog.

Kelly said...

I just wanted to let you know how helpful this post was. I found your blog through Kelly's Korner. I had been toying with the idea of buying B&B products. I saw them at Target and was going to purchase them because it was super convinient. However after reading this post I went to a B&B salon and purchased the Thickening Shampoo and Conditioner. I love both of them! Thanks so much!!
Good Luck with your fertility issues. I have a friend going through the same things. You and your husband will be in my prayers! :)

Ashley said...

I"m glad you posted this. I always use B&B and the only place in my town to buy it is a very nice Spa and Salon. Recently I was in CVS and saw they had it for sale, I was a little confused, but it's making sense now after seeing this post.