
Doggie post

Just wanted share these pictures that Matt took of our sweet boy loving the Spring weather...

Last night, Matt put this on empty clothes basket on Romeo! He didn't like it and really wasn't sure what to think. He was only in there long enough for me to run and get the camera so I could take a picture! haha! :)

You don't have to tell me that we are really silly about our dog, I know! :) Hope this makes you smile!


Mizell Family said...

I must admit, my favorite posts are the ones with Romeo in them.. I seriously love that dog!! If you keep up with our blog any you know our dog, Avery is our child... she might as well be a human!! Bless his heart under that clothes basket, he looks pitiful!! Just wanted you to know that posts about him make me smile!
On a side note, I think of you often and your infertility post.. Please know that you are not alone and you guys are being prayed for!!

Cara Beth said...

It definitely DOES make me smile! I could post every post about Scooter and Conner but I refrain! I really should start a doggie blog. Keep the Romeo pics coming! He's so sweet!

Jessica said...

Cute! Those are good photos! Inspiring!

Lindsey said...

I know you are crazy about your dog, and you know I am too. Luc misses Mr. Romeo. Come check out my blog tonight, there is a special givaway...just for Doggie Moms!! :)

Rachel Bell said...

I love my sweet nephew... he's SO handsome!! :)

Maggie said...

I just popped over from Kellys Korner. The fact that my husband and I are not the only ones crazy about our dog makes me smile! We have a toy poodle and she is like our baby. So I can completely relate!My friends make fun of me because if you didn't know Ally was a dog you would totally think she was an actual child the way we talk about her!

Claire said...

What a sweet post! Romeo is a poppet!


Leslie Duffield said...

I just love these pics of him... especially the close up! Sweet Romeo!!