
New life goal...

I have a new life goal... and it is to be a apart of a flash mob! Seriously! Matt thinks I am crazy but I think this would be so fun!!!! I am such a dork but I get the chills when I watch this type of thing all come together. This flash mob just happened last week in Seattle. So cool! So if you are aware of any flash mobs in Arkansas please let me know! Hope you enjoy this as much as I did! :)

ALSO... After many requests for a hair trend post, I wanted to let you know it will be up sometime this week! So be looking for it! :)


Brandi said...

That was great! I love it!!!

Heather Allen said...

Seriously! As a dancer I love this idea...now just to execute it!

Jessica said...

I love flash mobs too!! so neat! An organization that I'm in here at school did one the other week on our commons area... here's a link to the vid if you wanna check it out.. http://www.lucastempleton.com/video.html

Lindsey said...

Love this!!! You should so start one in NWA!! =) Looking forward to the hair trend post! I am in such a rut with my hair and wear it back in a pony tail all the time. It's at that stupid in between stage and I do not like wearing it down right now. So looking forward to seeing what you have to say!

Happy Monday!!

Cara Beth said...

ha! i think they are so cool too! :)

Lauren said...

It is a dream of mine as well to be in a flash mob! Come on let's start one in Fayetteville! We can do it!!! Hahahaha

Ashley said...

Girl, I got chills too! I am a girl that loves to have a good time & I think something like this would be so stinkin' awesome in our area! If it happens, I better be a part of it too! WOOT WOOT!

I loved the grey hair old guy in the blue shirt gettin' down! HAHA!

Amy said...

Have you seen this new one?
