
This year's sundress...

is a ROMPER!! I can't believe how popular these things are this year! I mean, I am not going to be giving up the sundress anytime soon. But they are everywhere and there are some super cute ones! Target has a great selection and I saw some precious ones at Dillards!

What's funny is that last June, I bought this exact one at Target! I thought it was cute to wear in Cabo. I wore it over a bathing suit there but I guess I will be wearing it more this summer!

The denim color is really in this summer too. I got a greyish/denim one the other day at Target for like $19.99!
They come in all colors and styles! Try them on and see which style fits your body type!
I wish I could be as cute as Nicole Richie in my Rompers!

So if you are out shopping this weekend, get you a Romper! Hope everyone has a good weekend!


Rebecca (Sam's wife) said...

um wow...not sure if i can do that...i would need to be long...i don't do short shorts.

Lindsey Kindy said...

I've already bought 2 rompers. They will be perfect st the beach!! I like the grey too. Target may be graced with myself today! ha!!

Beth Ann said...

I have been on rotation at a Target Pharmacy this month, and those rompers have been calling my name! I think I might treat myself on my last day :)

Nancy said...

Oh I love this look! I want to lose a quick 20 first, though! I enjoy your blog!!

Suz said...

Just found your cute blog from blog hopping!

I just bought my first romper of the season this past week and I LOVE them! I think I need one for each day of the week! They are so comfy and adorable! And very flattering! I'm a follower now! :)

Jules said...

I was so disappointed today. I went to Target to look for rompers and only found ONE style.. and let me tell you, that thing was SO unflattering. Made my back side look huuuge!
But they're so cute, I may try to go back out and try on a few different styles somewhere else.

Southern Cinderella said...

I did not think I would look cute in rompers but my mom bought a really cute one at Express for me that is black and halter top, too cute! I love them! They are so comfy

kim_brough said...

This is why I can never be a fashionista--- I think these are hideous!! Plain jane for me it is!

Lindsey said...

I love these so much! I have a denim one i bought last year at Forever21 and I'm hoping to wear it soon. Feel like I need to lose a few lbs and tone up before I really feel comfortable wearing one. I just love the look though. So cute and comfy too! ;)

Anonymous said...

I love the romper, I just don't know if I could pull it off! I always find myself loving the trends, just not brave enough or comfortable enough with myslef to try them!

I became a follower of your blog, come check out mine! I am trying to get into this blog community!


Brittany said...

I want a romper so bad! Not sure if I can pull it off though. I need to try on several different styles to see, but I haven't been brave enough yet!