
Jack is 2!

Romeo wanted to wish his cousin Jack Bell a very Happy Birthday!!!!

Jack turns 2 today and his momma said on twitter that he celebrated by catching a chipmunk in his backyard this morning!!

Happy birthday sweet boy!

Excuse our family... We are CRAZY about our dogs! :)


Halloween for dogs?

OK... I promise there is a point to this post so stick with me! :) So, I am sure that most everyone is familiar with this youtube video but just in case your not... You have to watch this interview by Antoine Dodson. The first video is the actual footage from the local news station.

This next one is the AWESOME remix!! It cracks me up!! It is a really catchy song and this video has had over 35 million views on youtube!! (I have watched this too many times to even count! ha!)

So the reason I am even talking about it today was I received an email today from my husband, titled "Antoine Dogson"! This is the best Dog halloween costume ever!!!

Isn't that absolutely hilarious?!

Now the question is... Does Romeo need a Halloween costume?! Not sure if I really want to spend the money for my dog to have a costume but pets dressed up for Halloween really crack me up!!

This isn't Romeo, but it is a Shiba Inu dressed like a lion! Too cute!

So tell me... Are you dressing your pets up this weekend?


hairchat. Talking to your stylist.

Communicating with your hairstylist is so important in getting the results you want! You as the client, need information and understanding from your stylist and your stylist needs information and direction from you. Never assume that your stylist knows what you like even if you have been using the same person for years.

Your stylist needs to know what you like and dislike and how you manage your hair at home. A good stylist should explain any new look so that you can make the decision if you are ready for a change. No one knows your hair better than you do so providing as much information as possible will help your stylist make the proper decision about the right cut, color & style.

To avoid communication failure with your stylist, it's good to know some hair styling terminology.

Layering- This is a technique to change thickness of hair and can create a thinning or thicker appearance. Verify how much layering you want along with the length of the layers. You want them to be proportional with the rest of the style. Layers can give hair a fuller appearance with more texture and movement. A good hair cut is really about the art of layering!

Texturizing- This involves using a razor or thinning shears. If you are thinking you want your hair texturized, question your stylist about your hair type to be sure that your hair is the right texture and style for it.

Blunt cut- This means to cut sections of hair straight across. This is mainly done on hair that is one-length or between chin lengths to below the shoulder. It can also be used to cut any short layered hair style. This can result in thicker, fuller ends.

Undercutting- This is done to the hair around the neck. It can be cut shorter relative to the rest of the hair on the back of the head and this will prevent the hair from sticking out in the neck area. This will help achieve smooth, turned under hair.
Trim- Trimming is cutting very little or only cutting around the back, top or sides. Please be specific in the amount of hair you want to be cut so your stylist can understand your meaning of a trim!

Good luck at your next hair appointment!



My college friend, Lindsay Dawson held a CSN giveaway and I WON!! I have never won anything on these blog giveaways so to say I am excited is an understatement!!

If you haven't visited her blog... you should!! She is a sweet Arkansas girl, living in North Carolina with her new husband and cute dog, LUCY! And while you are there, leave her a comment and tell her I sent ya!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!



Happy thoughts continue...

THANK YOU so much for all your sweet and encouraging words after yesterdays post! I had a much better day and feeling much more hopeful! I have many things that are keeping my mind off all the fertility struggles this week... Like these sweet pups!

Ruby is spending the week with us! She and Romeo have really grown out of their rowdy puppy phase and all they do is sleep! But I love having them around to keep me company!

They are such opposites... Romeo never sits on the couch with me and is always sleeping by himself somewhere but Ruby always wants to be right beside me or even touching me. Which is actually nice for a change! :)

I also bought mums yesterday! I LOVE FALL so much and we are having some friends come stay this weekend for the Hog game, so I wanted to complete my fall decorating by getting some mums. Now lets just hope I can keep them alive!

Hope everyone is having a good Thursday!


Laughing through infertility.

Infertility is just the pits! This just hasn't been best month for me. Adding some new things to this cycle has only cost me more money and more tears. These drugs make me feel like I am losing my mind at times!

BUT...I have found a blog that really brings some laughter to infertility. (If that's even possible!) I wanted to share this to make sure that all my infertility bloggers/friends have seen it! Yesterday's post was about all the books that are out there about increasing your chances to get pregnant. I have read so many books and so many online articles, I think I could write my own book!! But her sarcasm in the suggestions of titles for the books, just literally made me laugh. And to be honest, I felt somewhat encouraged that I am not in fact losing my mind and that anyone else going through infertility has/have had some of these same thoughts and feelings!

You can go read the article and more at www.999reasonstolaugh.com... but here are her suggestions for more realistic titled fertility books:
  • What to Expect after you’ve peed on a stick and you’re not sure if you really see a second line or it’s your imagination.
  • What to Expect when you’ve been waiting all day for the fertility doctor to call you back.
  • What to Expect after you’ve stared at the toilet paper and thought that you might have seen a red dot.
  • What to Expect when you’re partner’s sperm count is in the negatives.
  • What to Expect after you’ve had baby-making sex, not because you wanted to, but because it was ovulation time.
  • What to Expect when cousin Martha gets pregnant on her first try.
  • What to Expect when you have way too much PCOS-related facial hair.
  • What to Expect after you’ve been inseminated by a 20 year old fertility intern named Teresa.
  • What to Expect when your Facebook friends happily post their ultrasound photos and you want to shoot yourself.
  • What to Expect after you’ve just eaten a container of ice cream following a BFN.
  • What to Expect when you’re at a baby shower sobbing in the guest of honor’s bathroom.
  • What to Expect when you have to give yourself a fertility injection during cousin Emma’s wedding.
  • What to Expect when you’re mother gives you another newspaper articles about infertility.
  • What to Expect when you’re completely jealous of all pregnant women but won’t ever admit it.
  • What to Expect when you feel hopeless and this blog reminds you to never give up HOPE.

You may be thinking...What is funny about infertility anyways? Naomi, the blogger that blogs through her fertility struggles says, Infertility itself is not very funny but when life hands you lemons, make some fertile lemonade! All I’m say is that feeling depressed about any situation in your life is not going to help. Staying positive and laughing makes life much more enjoyable.

So after reading through some of her post, I am going to try to take her advice and do some laughing!


Pumpkin Dip.

My friend, Michelle over at Yount Happenings , posted this really yummy fall pumpkin dip the other day! I made it last night and it was DELICIOUS! My co-workers are loving it and my twitter friends are wanting to the recipe so here you go!!

Pumpkin Dip:

2 cups powdered sugar
2 8-ounce packages cream cheese
1 can pumpkin puree
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice
2 cups Cool Whip

Beat softened cream cheese until light and fluffy. Stir in powdered sugar and blend well. Add pumpkin, cinnamon, and pumpkin pie spice and blend well. Fold in Cool Whip. Chill and serve. You can serve it in a cue bowl along with vanilla wafers, ginger snap cookies, graham crackers or whatever sounds yummy to you!


Hair chat. Ponytails

It's been a while since I had any ideas for a hair chat... But I had some request lately so I thought I would bring it back and talk about pony tails today!

Pony tails can have many styles. You don't have to have long straight hair for a pony tail. And it doesn't matter if its 10 inch or even 1 inch long, you can make it cute by spending a little time on it!

First, decide if you are wanting a messy or simple sleek ponytail. With simple sleek pony tails, I think clean hair is better. Lean your head back and brush all your hair off your face and up towards the top of your head. If you can do this by lying over the edge of the bed you will get an even better result.

Leave one small section loose and secure the rest with a tight rubberband. Wrap the loose section of the hair around the band then secure the end of the loose section with a bobby pin on the underside of the ponytail!

This is another version of a sleek ponytail but with a little more poof! To achieve this look, tease the top of the head from the bangs back then smooth with a comb and pull away from the face.

If you have bangs, you can still have a cute, stylish ponytail! Fix your bangs like you would every day, then just pull back the rest of the hair.

A popular look right now is the side swept ponytail. Decide which side you want the hair, then tease the top and sides then pull all hair to the side. Wrap rubber band around and also secure any loose hairs with a bobby pin to help support the side pony!

I love the braided bangs look! But I am a horrible braider!! I have been doing some twisting instead. Start with your part and braid/twist over past the temple. Then you can pin them and pull the rest back!

Practice these looks!! Sometimes, you have to take it all down and start over. But I hope this helps influence you gals to try out some stylish pony tails this fall!


10.9.10 Bunn/Goza Wedding

I am long overdue to post these wedding pics from last weekend but here they are...

The wedding weekend started with the rehearsal. The wedding and cake reception were held at the bride's parents home. Which is also on the same street at my parents house, so it was very convient! :) Kristin had always dreamed of a wedding there and it was so special to get to see it really happen!

This was a HUGE photo of the couple that greeted the guest at the wedding! Thought this was really cool! Paul is like 6'5 so you can see that this was huge!

I hated eating our beloved Hog but it was sure good! :)

Bride-t0-be and me at dinner!

Love these girls that have been my best friends since we were young kids!

Wedding day lunch- Big Mac! :)

Wedding time! Waiting on the Bride!

Mom and me after the wedding.

Love these cupcakes and the way they were displayed!

After the cake reception, the couple headed out to an after party at a friends river cabin!

They were ready to eat, dance and be married!

Pretty bride ready to party the night away!

Their first dance was in high school but this was their first dance as a married couple! :)

Father/Daughter dance. Mr. Billy loved dipping his ladies! :)

I feel like this picture shows how happy this evening really was!! The brides family all dancing with their new member of the family!

I had an amazing weekend and I am so honored to be apart of Kristin and Paul's life!!


Romeo lately.

I know I just blogged about my baby boy but these were some cute pics I took on my phone over the weekend!

Romeo was so sleepy at my parents after playing hard with cousin Kota!

He was even more tired on Monday once we got home! I love this picture because he was snuggled up with me on the couch!

And these just crack me up!! Matt put my blanket over him and we couldn't stop laughing! Its very thin so he could breath/see through it. He looks like a sheep dog or a ghost! This poor dog has to put up with so much from his parents! :)


Getting caught up.

I have been needing to blog since last week, but I was in one of my best friend's wedding this weekend so I am just trying to get caught up on life! I can't wait to share lots of pics of the wedding with all of you when I get them from my mom and can get them sorted out!

Monday, I rested on the couch while watching a marathon of DCC Making the Team season 4! It was really cool because they were the first to cheer in the new stadium but next the season starts this Friday! I am so excited!

For most of Brody Francis' life, as long as I am in town, I have seen him just about once a week! I have been so busy lately, that I let almost 2 weeks go by since I have played with Brody or loved on sweet Jillian! I got my fix today though! Brody is just getting so funny!! I didn't get any pics of him but I just love his little entertaining personality. And I am really loving this sweet girl who is just learning to smile!

This evening, I babysat for my co-worker! She is moving homes this weekend, so I volunteered to watch Mccoy so she could pack up tonight. He is such a laid back boy and was just a joy to be around!

Isn't this so sweet?!
I was so proud of Romeo too. He never jumped on him or acted aggressive what so ever! Mccoy even tried to feed Romeo part of his dinner and Romeo wouldn't even take it out of his hand. He was so polite and waited for Mccoy to drop it on the ground for him! Romeo will be such a good big brother one day! :)

I am so thankful for my friends that let me love their kiddos! I am blessed to have them all in my life!


I LOVE this Dog!

I LOVE this fat boy!

I LOVE this face and those sweet eyes!

I love this curly tail!

I love this wanna-be watch dog!

I just wanted to share these new sweet photos of my Romeo, whom I LOVE too much!


Happy Fall Y'all!

I put up my fall decor last week! I was trying to hold out until October but I just couldn't wait! Just wanted to share my fall decorations with blog friends...

Love this new frame I got this year! It's my new favorite fall decor!

I normally don't put out anything for Halloween but I got a few things from my moms garage sale last year! I thought the BEWARE tea-light candle holders were cute!

Full kitchen view

I have placed the table in years past but it gets annoying having to move the plates off when you want to eat at the table so I decided to do something simple this year!

Love all sorts of pumpkins!

I will put up the jack-o-lantern face and the BOO pumpkin after Halloween but I liked the new additions this year!

Lastly, our office got a new couch! My mom didn't want a couch anymore that was in her sitting room and asked if I wanted it! I have had this maroon couch since college. Its a great couch because it is a sleeper sofa but I think it's ugly and it attracts tons of dog hair! So needless to say, I wasn't sad to see it go! :)

After. And I think much better!
Eventually I would love to have this in our bedroom but just not sure if there is room in our bedroom now. Maybe in the future!